Celebrating Our One Year Anniversary
Exactly one year ago, on October 5, 2010, I launched a little site with just a pocketful of articles, all written by yours truly. Right from the get-go, it was absolutely one of the most exciting creative projects I had ever been involved in. I was finally getting to put into practice all of the cool stuff I’d been learning via books, websites, and podcasts. That is, I was learning to harness the power of technology to create my very own multimedia broadcast center in cyberspace.
And with that, I proceeded to create an online saxophone magazine which, according to the many kind readers who have contacted me, has proven to be a a truly helpful destination for those looking to further immerse themselves in the joy of playing the saxophone.
Of course, this hasn’t by any means been all of my doing.
The Kick-Awesome Guest Writers
First off, I’ve had some incredible non-me guest writers who have worked so hard and made massive contributions to the site. Without these fine folks, the site would lack the dimension and overall usefulness it has come to embody.
Ladies and Gents, the list of guest writers (in alphabetical order):
- Andrew Hadro
- Bill Harrison
- Brad Carman
- Charles “Chazz” Pratt III
- Danielle Luna
- David Erato
- Jeff Rzepiela
- Mark Catoe
- Matt Stohrer
- Randy Hunter
- Sam Sadigursky
- Todd S. Feldman
- Zach Sollitto
The Brilliant Interviewees
Also amazingly inspiring and educational for me have been the fantabulous interviews with some of the most gifted saxophone giants walking the planet – from those flying beneath the radar all the way to folks we flat-out consider living legends.
A quick roundup of some of these folks includes:
- Dave Liebman
- Bob Mintzer
- Rick Margitza
- David Binney
- Walt Weiskopf
- Greg Banaszak
- Bob Sheppard
- Jon Irabagon
- Jon Gordon
- Bob Reynolds
- Will Vinson
- Grace Kelly
…and the list goes on and on…
For the complete catalog of interviews, hop on over here.
The Reason for Doing all of This
I don’t drink, but I will say that creating digital content with nobody paying attention is kind of like drinking alone. It can be fun, but it’s a hell of a lot more fun with a bunch of other people hanging out.
Thanks to the more than 5,000 of you who hit the site every month, I have an amazing community of awesome people that I can (hopefully) be of service to. Your emails, blog comments, Facebook comments and “likes” and Twitter tweets are a constant source of massive inspiration.
Because of this site, I’ve met some of the nicest folks I’ve ever known, and it’s my hope that I can meet as many of you as possible in person and not just behind the veil of cyberspace.
I’ve Seen Fire and I’ve Seen Rain
Now I won’t lie. There have been times that this site has utterly exhausted me. I mean, a site like this is like a ravenous monster that constantly needs to be fed in order to stay alive. There have been times where the creative juices hid in the background while my desire to lay in bed and watch episodes of Mad Men, or even Jersey Shore prevailed. There have been the frightening forays into the world of utterly novice podcasting and video production. In fact, I recently, I had a multimedia disaster that I’m just too embarrassed about to mention here – but you get the picture.
So you know what snaps me out of all of that silliness? It’s the thought: “What can I do that would totally help another sax player?” Now that may sound like I’m trying to paint myself as some sort of selfless saint. But I guarantee you that you’re the same way as well.
The Deep Stuff
No matter how selfish we think we are, I don’t believe that we can ever be truly happy unless we find some way to be of service to someone else. Whether it’s at the homeless shelter or with our kids or on the job, we all thrive on making a difference outside of the tiny sphere of ourselves.
So thank you, thank you, thank you for being of service to me in being a part of this passion project. And I invite you to reach out and let me know how I can make the site, the newsletter, the podcasts, or the videos even better. Or just pop in and say hello.
So with all of that, I once again send my most heartfelt gratitude to the Best. Saxophone. Website. Buddies. Ever.
With love from Los Angeles,
photo by fazen
Bill Plake
October 5, 2011 @ 4:44 pm
Doron, Heartfelt congratulations! I just discovered this wonderful Website about three months ago, and must say that I’m nearly stunned to find out that you’ve only been up for a year. You’ve achieved a hugh amount in a short period of time (I’m impressed, to say the least!) But even more important, you’ve helped countless saxophonists by doing what we all need to be doing more: sharing our knowledge. You’re building a great community to support and encourage that. Best wishes to you, and I look forward to more interesting and useful content.
Doron Orenstein
October 5, 2011 @ 9:43 pm
Thanks so much Bill! You’ve certainly been one of the very coolest and most knowledgable people I’ve gotten to know through this site and its affiliated social media sites. so your support seriously means a ton to me.
And yes, I really do want to be part of a big community that shares and helps each other out, so it’s nice to see that building up a little more month after month.
Thanks again for the kind words my friend,