12 Tips for Hitting that Altissimo G Like a Pro
This is a guest post by saxophonist, arranger, and educator Brad Carman of BradCarmanMusic.com.
We all know that some notes on the saxophone are tougher to hit than others, especially as we begin to delve into the altissimo register. While there is a great deal of information out there about the art of altissimo as a whole, I thought that it would be good to hone in on a specific note in the altissimo register that seems to give folks a bit of a tougher time than some of the others above it.
My suggestion is that you read everything here then try the things that you think will enhance your abilities in this area.
Keep in mind that different fingerings apply depending on whether you’re on alto or tenor, but similar concepts should apply in either case.
For your reference, click here for a comprehensive altissimo saxophone fingering chart courtesy of saxophonist, Ward Baxter.
1) Make sure you’re always using plenty of air.
Some notes allow you to push them through with very little air support. The altissimo G is not one of them, so make sure that you’re blowing a solid stream of air from the diaphragm.
2) Make sure your fingers are doing what you think they’re doing.
Sometimes our problems occur when fingers lift up slightly or bump other keys. Be deliberate in what you play!
3) During your initial practice sessions, walk up to G from “vent” or “front” E.
Of course, you must be prepared to hit the altissimo G from any other note on the horn, but this will serve as a sort of “training wheels” since you’re not making the big shift in the throat and mouth as you would were you coming from a bigger interval. The palm key notes lay the foundation for creeping up just a bit higher to the G.
4) “Think down”
If F# cracks up, simply think of blowing the air downwards with ample diaphragm support and as you move into the G.
5) Experiment with a different fingering.
As soon as you can play the front G reasonably well, try the other standard G fingering which is 1st and 3rd fingers of both hands plus the thumb/octave key. Note: first finger of left hand is on the B key – not the vent or fork key. This is a handy fingering that I use about half the time depending on the context. Some students find this one easier as well.
Another fingering you can try if F# is fine but G cracks involves adding the first finger of your right hand then releasing the second finger of your left hand.
6) Apply dynamics and vibrato.
Once you’ve hit the note, hold it as long as you can and crescendo. Eventually, you can try using vibrato to “test the boundaries” of what your control of the altissimo G can withstand.
7) Practice hitting the note with a breath attack.
Once you’ve achieved a bit of control, walk up to the note as described in step 3, let it go, and try to re-start it with a breath attack. When you let it go, keep your mouth and tongue in the same shape.
8) Take rests on the way up.
Practice walking up the chromatic scale From E to G but with rests between each note. This is something you can do once you’ve attained some more control over the altissimo register, but a great way to take your high G skills to the next level.
9) Hold down the low Bb Key
Adding low Bb to the G can stabilize things if you feel like you’re “close” or if you’re getting a noisy sound. This fattens up the sound as well. However, it is a big reach down there with the pinky finger, so you’ll have to give it a try and see how it works for you.
10) Try taking in a little bit more mouthpiece.
Nearly all beginner and intermediate students tend to play with too little mouthpiece. If you’re having trouble with both high and low notes speaking and projecting, there is a chance you can improve things immediately by taking in just a little more mouthpiece. Never drift towards the tip of the mouthpiece when going after altissimo notes. Sometimes it will seem like it helps or makes things easier, but it is a dead-end road!
11) Relax your left shoulder!
It’s tense isn’t it? Let it drop.
12) Try a chromatic exercise to improve your high G skills.
If you’re handy with your chromatic scale I would recommend this quick exercise to get the “feel” of the altissimo notes necessary to consistently achieve the high G.
- First, overblow low D up an octave. This is easy to do, just play 4th line D but remove your thumb from the fingering.
- Then walk up the chromatic scale as high as you can go. Your fingers move up starting on low D with everything coming out an octave up. Start slowly but increase the speed as you get the feel for it.
- Go up as high as you possibly can. In order to hang on as you go up, the shape of your mouth and tongue will have to change. This is the shape of altissimo. Remember to use a lot of air, never let up on your air, and don’t bite.
Quattro Formaggi Saxophone Quartet
Quattro Formaggi Saxophone Quartet was founded by Brad Carman in 2005 and has become one of Wisconsin’s most popular and versatile chamber ensembles. Check out their latest CD, Sidecar [Sorry(!), but this web page has disappeared since the original publication of this article] which includes several premier recordings and unpublished works. Also visit QF’s informal MySpace page where they have connected with close to 200 other saxophone quartets from around the world.
Brad Carman and QFSQ are available for performances, residencies, masterclasses, and ensemble work-shops. Contact Brad Carman at carman.music@gmail.com.
Photo by takomabibelot
Saxophones: What is the best exercise to play the altissimo scale on any sax? - Quora
September 26, 2011 @ 8:20 pm
[…] 8:15pmSome other resources: …Mark Catoe • 8:21pmView 1 CommentCommentAdd AnswerAdd AnswerRelated QuestionsWhat is the easier […]
Altissimo the Easy Way | About Tenor, Alto, Soprano And Bariton Mouthpieces For Saxophone Kit
November 29, 2011 @ 8:00 am
[…] 12 Tips for Hitting that Altissimo G Like a Pro […]
October 19, 2012 @ 8:32 am
“try the other standard G fingering” … ok, now I’m in trouble because I thought the 1-3/1-3 was the standard fingering! There’s another more often recommended?
October 22, 2012 @ 10:47 pm
Oh yeah baby, there are many ways to skin this cat! Check out this chart here to see if you can find out what works best for you: http://wardbaxter.com/education/sax_altissimo.pdf
October 23, 2012 @ 3:37 am
nice chart, thanks! — much more legible than the railway map I had before, but I’m still going to say that high-F + 3rd fingering for G is one I’d not seen before!
May 21, 2013 @ 11:59 pm
I have been playing the Alto for about six or seven years and I am a Freshman in High School I am a pretty good at the Alto the highest I can play is about the High F natural
at some difficulty.My book that I use in my band (Hal Leonard Essential Technique 2000 Eb Alto Saxophone Book 3) only has that as the highest note and I have no clue on the fingerings of the next note any help? My Alto is the Julius Keilwerth ST90 and it is in a pretty good condition.
May 22, 2013 @ 12:03 am
You can get the fingerings here: http://wardbaxter.com/education/sax_altissimo.pdf
I hope that helps!