A Saxophone Stand That Fits in The Bell – But Will it Hold Up?


The saxophone stand is probably one of the most overlooked accessories by saxophonists today (at least in my opinion). The saxophone stand, although scene as a simple piece equipment with the purpose of holding the saxophone, should not be overlooked. There are a few popular manufacturers such as Hercules, Hamilton, K&M, which have been manufacturing saxophone stands for quite some time.

Within the last few years, I have seen a few vendors start to experiment with materials such as carbon fiber to manufacture cases, reeds, mouthpieces and even saxophone necks. At this year’s NAMM show, Gijs van Leeuwen (Owner of WoodWindDesign) introduced his carbon fiber saxophone stand for soprano, alto, tenor and baritone (low A & Bb). Gijs was nice enough to send me a carbon fiber stand for soprano, alto, tenor and baritone saxophone to try out. I will be providing a product overview for the WoodWindDesign Carbon Fiber Saxophone Stands as well as my overall thoughts and feedback.

Product Overview

The Carbon Fiber saxophone stands offered by WoodWindDesign’s are very light weight stands (much lighter than traditional saxophone stands) that can be easily broken down and transported inside the bell of the saxophone when traveling. Although these carbon fiber saxophone stands are extremely light, the carbon fiber material and design make these stands incredibly stable.

Two features to note on each stand is the saxophone pegs and bell holder. The saxophone pegs each has a rubber foot to absorb any shock or movement that could occur from someone accidentally knocking into the stand for example. The bell holder design for the alto, tenor and baritone saxophone securely holds the saxophone in place at various angles due to the length of the curve as well as the lined rubber. The lined rubber is a better option over traditional foam because there is a better grip on the instrument leading to further protection.

A popular feature with this stand is it can to be fully disassembled to fit in the bell of the saxophone as you put the horn back in the case while traveling to your next gig. There are five carbon tubes that each have a different diameter and actually fit into one another. The tubes and peg once dis-assembled fit into a cloth bag (provided with stand) that you place in the bell of your saxophone. The bell holder does not fit in the bell of your saxophone but instead fits over the bell. With each stand placed in the case, you will be surprised how light weight they are and in many cases, you do not even notice the extra weight.


  • Soprano: 50gr/1.8 oz
  • Alto: 90 gr/3.2 oz
  • Tenor: 190gr/6.7 oz
  • Baritone: 500 gr/1.1 lbs

Gijs Product Demonstration


I was excited when I received the WoodWindDesign carbon fiber saxophone stands for soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone. From my experience testing out various necks, reeds, and cases that have been manufactured with carbon fiber, I have overall been very impressed with this material.

Weight: These are by far some of the lightest (or the lightest) saxophone stands I have had the chance to test (especially baritone saxophone) to date. Compared to my Hercules, Hamilton, and On-Stage stands, all four (soprano, alto, tenor, baritone) of these stands combined weigh less than 2 pounds. Since all four stands are so light weight, they are very easy to carry from practice to practice or gig to gig.

Transportation: Many saxophone stands are able to be folded like a music stand for transportation. What I liked about the WoodWindDesign saxophone stands in comparison was each carbon fiber stand is able to be dissembled to the point which you can fit the stand inside the saxophone bell. The overall benefit is an easier way to transport your saxophone stand(s).

Protection: A light weight and easily transportable stand are important features of a great saxophone stand BUT the overall protection the stand provides your saxophone is by far the most important (at least in my book). Although carbon fiber is extremely light, the material is incredibly strong and durable. The rubber ends on each peg of the stand does provide overall good grip when placed on the floor but in my opinion I would like to see a bit more rubber added to each one of the pegs for more stability and grip. The bell holder curve with rubber was another feature I liked about this stand because the saxophone could be tilted to the left or right and stay stable. On other stands I have tried, if the saxophone is not centered and if accidentally knock to either side, the saxophone would most likely fall off the stand.

Final Thoughts

I would like to thank Gijs for sending me the WoodWindDesign carbon fiber saxophone stands for soprano, alto, tenor and baritone saxophone to test out. I overall liked the design, protection, ease of transport, and weight that these stands had to offer. One thing to keep in mind is due to the higher cost of carbon fiber, the WoodWindDesign saxphone stand(s) is quite a bit more expensive than other stands you have seen on the market. There is an adapter that WoodWindDesign offers which allows you to place an alto saxophone on the tenor carbon fiber stand (2 in 1). If you are looking for a saxophone stand but on a specific budget, the WoodWindDesign carbon fiber saxophone stands will probably not be the right fit. On the other hand, if you are looking for an extremely light-weight, durable, and easily transportable saxophone stand, the WoodWindDesign saxophone stand(s) for soprano, alto, tenor and baritone (especially baritone) is probably one of your best options.

Product Photos





To learn more about WoodWindDesign stands, go to http://www.woodwinddesign.eu.