A 2-Minute Tip to Get You Sounding Better Right Away

If you’re a subscriber to my email newsletter, you should have received my most recent edition in which featured a great tip from sax great, Bob Sheppard regarding sound production.

I’m not going to repeat everything I wrote, since you can get that stuff by checking out the online version of the newsletter hereHowever, what I didn’t include in the newsletter was the actual audio to hear exactly what Bob had to say.

The audio consists of a two-minute tip where Bob doesn’t speak for very long, but he says a lot, and two minutes in exchange for a smoother and bigger sound sounds like quite the bargain, no?

To quickly summarize some of the key takeaways (with a little bit of paraphrasing courtesy of yours truly):

  • You need to develop independence of the tongue and the airstream.
  • The air must be moving continuously at all times, even while you’re starting and stopping notes with your tongue.
  • Pumping air for each individual note that you’re tonguing causes your tone to sound weak and unsupported.
  • When your airstream is not constant, your rhythmic feel is disrupted by irregular note lengths

Give it a listen and let me know what you think!